
control room. (old equipment)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

little update...

I apologize for the lack of updates recently. We have been extremely busy with the spring season right around the corner. I want to thank everyone who came out to our Mixer in march, it was a blast. it was great to get to see some old friends and make some new ones. If you missed it, don't fear, we will be having others so just stay in touch!

Well, the studio has been redone in our new sound treatments, and I couldn't be happier with the results, and live room B is in its testing stage, we have been doing a bunch of test recordings and learning the room itself, and I must say that its going to open a world of possibilities, it sounds amazing. Gino LoCascio came over again and took some new and amazing shots of the studio, well post them as soon as he is finished editing them.

We have several new artists lining up to record this spring, we have already booked a few block sessions, and are working with other bands and getting schedules set. so this spring is going to be a busy one! Woo! we are also going to be setting up a compilation album of various artist from around NE Ohio. be on the lookout for that on iTunes (we haven't started tracking yet, but well keep you updated as we get it rolling)

This is going to be a HUGE year for the local music scene, and i thank everyone for there continued support of us, and the scene itself!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Filling In The Empty Holes...

Ever looked through our pictures on our site and noticed two empty eyesores in the pine build-out in the control room...well, i am happy to announce that they are no longer there!!!! They are actually designed for pa speakers that were "missing" since we moved into the studio, but they now have been "found" and replaced to there rightful place!

A lot has been going on since the last time I had blogged. First i would like to mention that we had the honer to work with amazing talent Kelly Rogers recording a new single for her "someone to listen". you can hear the song on our site or on facebook. There is also a video of the session on our facebook if you would like to see a brief "behind the scene"at click. I am also excited to announce that she will be coming back to record a few more songs for her demo! so definitely go check her out, she is incredible!

Nick also just finished a session last night with our dear friend/ partner/ landlord/ consultant/....i could go on forever ha....Jakob Ward. I have yet to hear anything from the session but I am excited to hear Jakob's new material (you should check out his band 'starlazer' and his solo stuff as well, all available on itunes!). He is an awesome dude and never fails to impress me with something mind-blowing.

Tax season is upon us, and I was lucky enough to get a decent return witch means new toys for the studio:

 (You can hear one at work on Kelly's song, one of the 2 mic's on the guitar) these are small diaphragm condenser mic's, Amazing for drum overheads/ acoustic instruments/ piano.

Presonus studio channel preamp
Took a long shot with this and I must say I'm impressed. Once the stock tube was replaced it really gives life to the track. If you need a decent/inexpensive pre I defiantly recommend it. It is not in the same class as our Joe Meek, but it is an awesome addition to our setup! see our post, read my horrible blog, listen to the music, and look at the pictures. Well, now I would like to invite you to come and visit the studio....IN PERSON!!! ha. we are having an open house/mixer/networking party on march 6th and you are all invited! Tour the studio, listen to some of our work, talk with us, and we have some great deals for artist who come and sign up for studio time! We just ask that you visit us on facebook and RSVP with us so we can have some idea of how many people to expect. Hope to see you there!


Monday, January 31, 2011

UNDER A DEAD SKY...there an Akron band bro!

The last chord has been captured, the last edit is complete, gang vocals are in, equalizers and compression is set, plug-ins are activated, the mixer has been locked, and the master is finalized...if you haven't caught on yet, the new full length from Under a Dead Sky is complete! It has been a long but fun and exciting 3 months, and an event that I will never forget. These guys have put there heart and sole into this album and I am honored to have been a part of it. Check them out on facebook as soon as you get a chance. They are going to have three songs posted by 6pm tomorrow. 

We are thinking of picking up a couple Shure sm81's for acoustic, piano, and overheads. Well see! If you want to donate to the cause we won't complain! 8D

We will be recording a single for Akron's own up and coming actress/musician Kelly Rodgers. She is a very talented singer/ songwriter and I am excited to hear what she has for us! Update Later....

Other then that, we just want to thank everyone for there continuing support! 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Guitar Squeals n' 808's

Well, its almost done.... the long awaited album from Under a Dead Sky/ the first full length project we have done at Click. Though it has been a fun group to work with and they are all amazing musicians, I think we are all happy to see this day coming. Yesterday, I (Corey) met up with Matt, Sean, and Paul to go through a final listen and to place 808''s (or booms, or drops, or whatever term you want to use). The meeting went really well,  and we finalized the order of the CD. We now get to enter the fun task of mastering the album with our good friend and amazing producer Will Clark. He has an amazing ear and I'm excited to see what level he brings this album too. I believe that UADS is looking at a release date of March 5 with a show in PA, so this will all be done very soon. Just check our website for audio when we are done.

Now for the shameless plugging!

We have a few specials coming up! we will be announcing shortly a contest for some free studio time, so stayed tuned for more info on that. Also the February special is still available to the first artist whom responds (see our facebook page for details). Also, Nick is offering a special service for drummers wanting to produce drum videos for youtube/ promotions. Quality video recording and fully produced drum tones $40 a song. If you have any other inquiries please let us know!

And....we have new business cards! woooo!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

First Blog

We felt that it would be fun to set up a blog to give a little more insight to what goes on inside Click. If you are unfamiliar with us ill give you a brief rundown of who we are...

Click Studios was created in the fall of 2010 by Corey Stoffer (me!) and Nicholas McCabe. For years both of us have been working on our own as freelance engineers in small home studios. I had meet Nick through my friend Matt a few years back and we quickly started playing in bands together (Torchlight Parades, The Fainter Corvus). Throughout this time we worked on a few different recording projects and realized that our goals were the same, and that we worked well together. So in September of 2010, we got together with Jakob Ward of Dreamstate Records and opened up Click Studios at the infamous 720 Grant St. location.

Things are happening REALLY fast. In the past few months we have updated a lot of our equipment and have been working on expanding our live room. We have worked with a few artist putting together mix-tapes and demos. And we are finishing up on the first full length production next week. We are loving every minute of this and we are excited to see what 2011 has in store for us.

We have a listening session with the guys from Under a Dead Sky tonight to go over some post production notes for there full length. This album, being the first full length/ full production we have done at Click, is sounding amazing. The guys from UADS are amazing musicians and artist and really know how to have a good time. It really has been a pleasure to get to know them and work with them. be on the lookout for the release of the album in the spring! (we'll keep you updated).

And...we are currently booking for February and beyond with some killer deals! and be on the lookout for a contest for some free studio time as well!